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Bureau Régional pour l’Afrique de l’Ouest

Launch of the regional capacity building program for judicial actors on the psychosocial care of child victims of human rights violations in Guinea and The Gambia

28 octobre 2021
Launch of the regional capacity building program for judicial actors on the psychosocial care of child victims of human rights violations in Guinea and The Gambia©

As part of the implementation of the PAPEV, WARO in conjunction with the beneficiary countries launched a regional capacity building program for judicial actors on the psychosocial care of child victims of rights violations.

The training series started in Guinea on Monday, October 25, 2021 in Mamou a region located in the Fouta, under the chairmanship of the OHCHR Country Representative, in the presence of the Prosecutor of the Republic, the Governor of the Region and local authorities.

In Gambia, the launch took place on 27/10/2021 in the presence of the OHCHR Regional Representative and the program officer of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS). The opening was chaired by the Minister of Women, Children and Social Affairs in the presence of the Administrator General of the Ministry of Justice and the Deputy Inspector General of the Police. This 1st workshop will be followed by two others covering 03 regions of The Gambia.

The participants in the two workshops are prosecutors, juvenile judges, judicial police officers, social workers directly involved in the care of child victims of violation of their rights and/or in conflict with the law.

1200 workers will be trained through this program on the judicial and psycho-social care of child victims in the six beneficiary countries of the project.

This program is a major component of the PAPEV which aims to support the states in their efforts to strengthen the capacities of the stakeholders in the national protection system.